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A Selection of Less Outré Music Tracks

At the request of some friends and family who have, rather incautiously, requested access to some of my music without recourse to streaming services, I have put together the following links. (These are all tracks from various albums that are available on most music streaming services.)

Aural Palette Cleansers

The first group are among my more accessible compositions. They are mostly rather silly. They generally began life as ways of experimenting with particular features of some new piece of music gear or audio software. I think of them as aural palette cleansers.

Analogy in C Minor

Old school analog synthesis, digitally tracked and mixed.

Download Analogy in C Minor

Digitalis in C Minor

Same chord progression, digital synths.

Download Digitalis in C Minor

Ludwig van Synthpop

Goofily jubilant neo-classicism.

Download Ludwig van Synthpop

E Minor Tune

Moodily contemplative neo-classicism

Download E Minor Tune

segnahC cigaM

Stupid tape tricks recorded on a TASCAM PortaStudio circa 1980.

Download segnahC cigaM

Farandole Lamentoso (2600)

Jaunty rhythm in a minor key.

Download Farandole Lamentoso (2600)

Farandole in Tempore Belli

Same, but with sampled drums.

Download Farandole in Tempore Belli

Crouched for Employment

...And at his heels,
Leash’d in like hounds, should famine, sword and fire
Crouch for employment...

  • William Shakespeare, Henry V (from O for a muse of fire... prolog)

Download Crouched for Employment

Rainy Day Fanfare

It rains a lot where I live and this is the sort of thing that happens as a result.

Download Rainy Day Fanfare

Analogy in C Major

Major mode variation on Analogy in C Minor.

Download Analogy in C Major

Not Quite as Weird as Most

The remaining tracks are more representative of the vast majority of my musical (yes, I consider these musical) output. Not necessarily more "serious," but definitely an acquired taste.

McFarland Souvenir (for Sean and Mary)

Demoing my process to relatives.

Download McFarland Souvenir (for Sean and Mary)

Steady State

Fun with the Euclidean Algorithm... i.e. your basic not-terribly-classifiable polyrhythmic counterpoint.

Download Steady State

Unsteady State (Steady State Redux)

First variation on Steady State.

Download Unsteady State (Steady State Redux)

Ready, Steady

Second variation on Steady State.

Download Ready, Steady


Your guess is as good as mine...

Download Triad

Arise, Fair Sun

...Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief..

  • William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet (from What light through yonder window breaks... soliloquy)

Download Arise, Fair Sun

Airy Fairy

Sort of percussive, sort of melodic pink noise through a low pass filter with resonance set just shy of regeneration.

Download Airy Fairy

March of the Airy Fairies

Variation on Airy Fairy with more erratic polyrhythms and sampled drums.

Download March of the Airy Fairies

Westlake Souvenir (for Michael and Julie)

A wonderful visit.

Download Westlake Souvenir (for Michael and Julie)

For Dennis

Inspired by, but rather different from...

Download For Dennis